
We’d Like To Partner with Other Smart City Living Labs | @openlivinglabs

We would like to partner with other regions and cities regarding exchange of ideas and learning about Living Labs and Smart Cities. We would like to invite you to collaborate with us. Please contact us if you are interested

Digital Urban Living Lab (DULL) is a collection of several living lab installations in different physical locations and targeting different sectors. We already have a strong set of living labs in the context of health and entertainment with some living labs kicking off in terms of energy and environment in the near future. Our primary target sectors are: Smart Cities in terms of Transportation, Food and Agriculture, Health, Energy and Environment and Tourism/Entertainment. From the regional and city perspective we are interested in the strategic impact of ICT. We believe that investigation of this broad set of topics will provide patterns that can be generalised providing invaluable knowledge to develop new policies and strategies for public-private partnerships and innovation at the regional and city levels; possibly even transforming the inner workings of governance and the organisations themselves.

Digital Urban Living Lab (DULL) is coordinated by the follwoing partners: Central Denmark Region, the City of Aarhus, SkiveET, the Alexandra Institute, Aarhus University, Center for Digital Urban Living (DUL),Insero Business Services and EnergiMidt.

Digital Urban Living Lab (DULL) Contact 

The host of the living lab and coordinator is the Central Denmark Region (Region Midtjylland). Contact person is Jesper Algren, strategic project manager in the Department of Innovation & Research and leading the development of new strategies and policies regarding Information Technology in Central Denmark Region.

International partnerships

We would like to partner with other regions and cities regarding exchange of ideas and learning about Living Labs and Smart Cities. We would like to invite you to collaborate with us. Please contact us if you are interested

Key points of Digital Urban Living Lab (DULL)

  • A collection of living labs in a small area crossing many different sectors brings a unique opportunity to obtain insight into the strategic development of a geographical area.
  • With the Central Denmark Region as the main stakeholder, access to regional installations and organisations can be easily coordinated.
  • User driven innovation is a core methodology for the main partners in the living lab, offering many years of experience.
  • In the long run and in addition to European funding, local funding can be released to supplement individual living labs.

References and Track Record

Smart City Aarhus

The City of Aarhus is very ambitious in terms of becoming a smart city, building upon state of the art in its policy development, urban planning and strategy. A smart city is the collaborative efforts of all stakeholders in a city aiming to reap the benefits of Information and Communication Technologies while at the same time addressing the challenges of becoming an even more digital society. The City of Aarhus wants to be a frontrunner in digitising its business, urban living and public space.

Contact details: Line Knive, email:

Digital Urban Living

The Danish national research center Digital Urban Living (DUL) has been a de facto living lab for years, initiating, coordinating and hosting many projects exploring interaction and experiences in public space. DUL has developed and tested a number of large-scale interactive urban media platforms, from media façades to new forms of civic communication and digital journalism.

Contact details: Martin Brynskov , email:

Innovation Fur: The Digital Sustainable Society of The Future

The vision for Innovation Fur is to create a model of the future sustainable welfare society on the island of Fur. A society that is not dependent on fossil fuels such as oil, coal and gas. Innovation Fur is a partnership between citizens on Fur, Skive Municipality and the energy supplier EnergiMidt. The core idea is that this public-private partnership can initiate different and long lasting motivation for various green initiatives. Being and acting in a sustainable green way is best reached in a bottom-up process where the citizens have been engaged in for instance workshops, brain storms, public meetings, home visits or educational initiatives. On the basis of the citizens perspectives the project works on implementing known and accessible technology such as solar panels, heat pumps, Smart Home products together with energy consultancy. Furthermore the project works with digitalization in order to develop efficient technology-driven citizen services, a digital platform for education and for health care services.

Contact details : Gitte Wad Thybo, email:

The Insero Living lab

The Insero Living lab is a platform to test and develop new technologies and business models in a user-based environment. Real-life users (ranging from private consumers to public administrators) live with the solutions and deliver direct and indirect feedback on their experiences, habits and needs. The Insero Living lab also offers the option to integrate live data feed back to supplement the qualitative data. Insero Living Lab makes it possible to achieve a holistic view on the field of energy & ict, taking into account users, technologies and business perspectives. Insero Living lab is a useful tool to combine these elements in user-centered product, service or business model development.

Contact details: Jacob Vind, email:

Egmont Hoejskolen

Egmont Hoejskolen – a boarding school for young students with disabilities. The school have several years of living lab experience on exploring the use of assistive technologies in the everyday life of the students during their stay, together with companies and researchers The Village of Soelund living lab is based on Denmark’s largest “village” for mentally and physically challenged adult people. The personal relations between staff and residents constitute the basis for developing new assistive and communication technologies in the village.

Contact details: Jeppe Spure, email:

The “At a glance” project

The “At a glance” project in relationship to the Skanderborg Festival living lab provides the overall communication and coordination during the festival related to health and security. Thousands of volunteers use technology developed as part of the project for several years now, providing safety and wellbeing to over 50,000 music enthusiasts.

Contact: Preben Mogensen, email:

SMART Region

In Central Denmark Region we are working on a large-scale initiative with the strategic focus on how to establish ‘Smart Cities in Smart Regions’. The concept involves the innovative synergies between urban and rural development and the digital economy. Basically the idea is to establish a new eco-system and policy framework for companies, knowledge institutions, public administration and citizens in order to commonly develop ICT based creative solutions that are both able to solve the challenges that society has and create new markets. The challenge is to find new ways to organize this in order to exploit the potential that digitalization holds for many societal challenges, from energy, waste disposal, traffic, tourism/entertainment.


Jonas Kroustrup, email:

Source: Digital Urban Living Lab (DULL) | Open Living Labs

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